1740’s - Before 1740 the area was inhabited by Native Americans who
came through the area for hunting, trade and war.
1768 - Tryon county was formed.
1779 - Lincoln County was formed and Tryon County terminated
1790 - Formation of Beaver Dam Lutheran Church, now St. Mark’s
Lutheran Church.
1805 - Antioch Methodist church was formed.
1846 - Gaston County was formed with the town of Dallas built to be
county seat.
1852 - Henry Summit opens a new and modern store. He also operated
a granary near the intersection of Main Street and Mill Avenue.
1854 - Post Office started at Benaja Black’s farm (Old Post Rd) where
Bojangles now stands.
1861 - 1865
Civil War - Cherryville was important as the end of the railroad line.
1862 - Railroad comes to White Pine (Wilmington, Charlotte and
Rutherford Railway Company)
1865 - Name was changed from White Pine to Cherryville.
1881 - Incorporation of City of Cherryville.
1881 - Organization of St. John’s Lutheran Church
1881 - First public school started in Henry Summit’s granary.
1883 - Organization of Methodist Episcopal that became First United
Methodist. The church met in Henry Summit’s granary.
1884 - Fairview Baptist church formed.
1891 - Cherryville Manufacturing Co. became the first textile mill.
1892 - Built first public school, The Old Academy.
1893 - First Baptist Church was formed.
1893 - First Presbyterian Church was formed.
1896 - Rudisill Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
was formed.
1897 - Gaston Mfg. Co began.
1900’s - Vivian Mill/Sardine Mill which eventually became
the Nuway Mill.
1906 - Eagle Newspaper began.
1907 - Christenberry Weslyn Church formed, which became
First Wesleyan Church.
1907 - Howell Mfg. began.
1911 - New City Hall, 109 E Main Street, now occupied by the
Historical Museum.
1917 - Gaston Knitting Mill began.
1919 - Rhyne Houser Mfg. Company began.
1921 - Paving of Main Street.
1922 - Carlton Mill was established.
1922 - Josephine Knitting Mill was established.
1942 - Blackwelder Textiles was established.
1946 - Prue Mills was established.
1947 - Bucknit Company was established.
1956 - Sweertree Mills was established.